Posted in Accessibility, Problems, social needs, transport

Seating urgently needed in Russell Street by 67 and 66 bus users. Cllr Oldman’s interest is welcomed

On 30th August, the Stroud News and Journal published Alice Knight’s article about a campaign encouraging more people to travel by bus across the Stroud District. Though environmentally preferable, currently the bus service poses problems.  

Some residents who use buses are being compelled to shop nearby or online rather than in the centre of Stroud; James Felton reported concerns over Stagecoach buses in Stroud in 2022 (SNJ) and the service is still far from reliable. Other deterrents include: 

  • users often have to stand there for half an hour or longer – very difficult for those with mobility problems,
  • usually there is no seating and no shelter from the rain,
  • Stagecoach’s unreliability often entails long waiting times
  • and passengers cannot rely on getting to work on time or keep an appointment unless they set out an hour earlier than necessary.

Understandably, those who own cars decide to use them. 

It was good to see one of these issues raised in July by Carmelo Garcia, who reported that when town councillor Adrian Oldman raised concerns about the type of  seating in Merrywalks at a Gloucestershire County Council meeting, Shire Hall chiefs pledged to install benches there. As the photograph (above) shows, at present, on the right, there are three Merrywalks shelters with Perch seats, which users lean against.  There are also three shelters on the left.

Some time ago 67 and 66 buses were rerouted and passengers could no longer board outside Lloyd’s bank; they were directed to wait outside Peacocks in Russell Street.  Those with mobility issues or other health problems are now reluctant to use the service.

Though space is limited and shelters could not be installed at the Peacock’s stop, bus passengers would greatly appreciate the type of seating provided in King Street outside Lloyds Bank (right).

Bus transport cabinet member Philip Robinson (Mitcheldean) said he does not see why it would be a problem to upgrade seating in Merrywalks.

Will he and Cllr Oldman actively support some provision in Russell Street as well?






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